Welcome to the Bridgetown Curling Club.

General Inquiries
333 Granville Street
Nova Scotia
B0S 1C0
2024/25 Membership Registration and Fees
I hope that everyone is having a great Fall! - not like Humpty Dumpty, but like autumn :)
So it's time to think about curling again and registration info for this coming season is available to donwload on the button below.
Please note that for Regular League Curling, there is a maximum of eight (8) teams per night. Teams cannot secure their preferred night until fees are paid in full (first paid, first served). We ask that on the registration form you list how many nights you wish to curl as well as your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice for the nights you wish to curl. While the club will do its best to accommodate everyone with their 1st choice night, in the event that night becomes full, you will be scheduled for your 2nd choice and so on.
Registration forms will be accepted starting Monday, September 16, 2024.
For scheduling purposes, we need registrations forms returned by October 25, 2024, with payment made no later than November 30, 2024.
Three ways to send us your registration form:
- Scan and email to Brenda
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or SandyThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Mail to: Bridgetown Curling Club, PO Box 627, Bridgetown, NS B0S 1C0
- Place it in the mail box next to the front entrance of the Bridgetown Curling Club. There are also blank forms in the mail box as well.
If you have any questions, please reach out to me, Will.
15 Annual BCC Golf Tournament Fundraiser
The 15 Annual BCC golf tournament fundraiser was held on Saturday September 9th with a tremendous turnout of 34 teams. It was a beautiful day at the Eden although it was warm! Significant funds for the curling club were raised during this event which are hugely important to the ongoing functioning of our curling club. I would like to thank all of our sponsors and prize donors that made contributions to the tournament. I would also really like to thank all the volunteers that made this day happen. There are so many to mention, and I'm afraid that I might miss a few but I would like to point out Adam Lewis who worked diligently to contact all of the golf teams and organize the carts. Bob Doyle who organized the activities during the tournament day and all those that helped him (Jack, Sandy, Jane, Janine, Jason, Gillian, Ann Burns, Ann Penney, John and Beth). Anita House who collected and collated all the sponsor and prize information. And all those who collected sponsorships and prizes (David, Jack, Sandy, Amanda, Greg, Jillian, Jane, Shannon, Bob, Merryl, Brenda, Gerry and others I'm sure).
BCC float in the annual Ciderfest Parade
On Saturday September 9th , Sandy Penny and Brenda Ernst entered a BCC float in the annual Ciderfest parade to help drum up support and new members for the club. Thank you for taking this initiative! And also thank you to the Special Olympians and junior curlers who helped carry our banner and hand out flyers. And Russell Ernst for pulling the float with his ATV and being such a great sport!
Celebrating our 100th anniversary in 2023
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